Monday, 24 January 2011

Assignment 1 (Semester 2): Learning Styles.

During our group meeting today we discussed the outcome of the learning style surveys we each took. According to the online questionnaire I took I am a strong reflector, moderate activist and very low theorist and pragmatist. I think this is probably quite accurate, however I do feel there are points in each category that I could argue describe me.

As a reflector it think it is true to say that I don’t like acting as a leader I find this very challenging, I also dislike public speaking and doing things with no time to prepare. However I am not particularly fazed by deadlines as I feel I am quite an organized individual. I also don’t think I over analyze situations. I do fit the reflector role but I can relate more easily to the activists role. This is because I like to try new things, solve problems and welcome new opportunities. I like to work in a team on occasion but I also like to work alone as I sometimes feel group work can in fact irritate me when I feel the workload is unevenly shared or some people are not putting in significant effort. I think it is true to say I am not really a theorist or pragmatist. I don’t really tend to follow a set pattern or work in a step-by-step, structured manner. I also learn well through experimentation and trial and error rather than by being shown techniques or following models.

I correctly guessed the learning style of two people in my group, Sarah and Sophie who are both reflectors. Sophie in fact got the exact same result as I did on the learning style questionnaire, which is a probably a little unusual. I am sure that despite the same result we will each have a different personality and background and can therefore each contribute differently to the group. Two other members of the group are activists and another is a moderate reflector/pragmatist. The dominant mode of the team is reflector but i think the group is quite balanced despite there being no theorists. This is because Sarah who is a very strong reflector is also a strong theorist so our team is not too uneven and perhaps Sean may also be a theorist. He was unable to make the meeting today so we are yet to discover his learning style. As none of us are theorists we will have to ensure that we cover all aspects of the tasks logically whilst working as a group. We will have to be careful, rational and think through our actions, we will also need to make sure our decisions make sense.