Sunday, 16 May 2010

Getting back to Blogging!

Recently I have been unable to blog due first to numerous deadlines and secondly due to family commitments. In the past month I have used a notebook and the back of my sketchbooks to note down everything I have wanted to blog about such as sources of inspiration for my project work, designers and artists I have come across and interesting televisions shows I have watched and enjoyed.

Earlier this month I was in the library having a flick through some interior and textile design magazines for inspiration when I came across Susie Vickery’s very detailed embroidery work. I have tried a little bit of mixed media and appliqué this year and have found it quite challenging and have so been inspired by her work. It is in my opinion worth having a look at Susie Vickery’s gallery on her website. The inspiration for her work is something she is clearly very passionate about.

Below are some images of her embroidery pieces: