Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Useful Websites

Here are some websites which interest me and can be inspirational, although are not clearly associated with textile design.


I like to read WIRED magazine but also check the website for current news and to read further in to specific topics which interest me. The content of the site is very varied, I am normally most interested by the WIRED news, which I am drawn to by tweets as I follow WIRED UK on Twitter. Often the photos capture my attention as well.


This is another website which covers a whole range of topics from space to health, science in society and the environment. I have learnt a lot from this site, the information is clear, easy to understand and interesting. Whilst investigating the moon and in particular the surface of the moon earlier this semester for my culture project I used this website for some of my initial research and brainstorming.


This news site is obviously a good way to keep informed and up to date with what is happening in the world on a day to day basis.


I enjoy watching The Gadget Show but find this website useful for researching particular information, some of the site I don’t really use but find the gadget news and blog interesting. It interests me to see how rapidly technology is advancing and what is now possible.


Is a very factual, useful site. The environment section is the part i like to read the most.

Below are 5 websites, which are useful to me and often relate directly to my course.


Vogue is an inspirational fashion website, featuring news, fashion photographs and current trends. The Vogue blog is also interesting.


Similar to The Gadget Show website this website interests me as futuristic creations are discussed. I particularly like to see how designers incorporate technology in to their work for example the work of Hussein Chalayan who’s exhibition I saw in London this year is currently featured on the site.


This is a contemporary textiles website where you can view the gallery, studio and online shop. I like this site because it is quirky and displays a range of work for example, costumes for theatre and film, interior accessories and installations.


This website is full of fashion inspiration. The site is easy to navigate and the quality of the photographs is very good. There are a lot of interesting patterns, unusual colour palettes and contemporary often bizarre fashion on this site.


This is a site based mainly on graphic design although some other disciplines are mentioned. I find this site visually very inspirational. I have blogged about a few things I have come across on this site in the past.

I also find Blogger, Twitter and Flickr very useful on a daily basis




Whilst listing these websites I began thinking about some of the Magazines, Radio stations and TV shows that I enjoy and find interesting but which can also relate to or inspire my work.

Magazines: WIRED UK, VOGUE, Future Materials, New Scientist, Creative Review, Wallpaper

TV/Radio: Grand Designs, The Gadget Show, BBC Radio 4, Project Runway