Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Culture Project 2

I have now moved on from looking at how to grow a tomato to the second section of my culture project-something my dad doesn't know. What i have decided to concentrate on now is that my dad doesn't know what it is like to be on the moon. I want this section of my sketchbook to be visually very different to the last section of my project so i have decided to work mainly in black and white rather than vivd colours. Any colour i use in this section will be understated and carefully considered. I have also decided to work on a larger scale and fine detail will be less important. So far i have only began to consider the surface of the moon looking at reference books and interesting surfaces in the natural environment for inspiration. I have particularly enjoyed experimenting with masking fluid to create unusual layered images and creating different textured surfaces to work on with thick white emulsion paint and collage papers.